Super Avana Tablet (Avanafil/Dapoxetine)
Medicine OverView

Super Avana tablet is generic drug of avanafil /dapoxetine online at cheap price from the most trusted website to cure erectile dysfunction. Know information regarding this medication like review, uses, side effect, dosage (Missed/Over), Composition, Substitutes, Precautions, how long does last, manufacturer, how it works and many more. You can also get fast delivery in UK, USA, Australia, France, China.
This generic medication is one of the most effective drugs available in the market that is renowned for its efficacy in treating sexual disorders in men. Its utility lies in the peculiarity of two active ingredients viz. Avanafil and Dapoxetine which purport to improve the sexual health of men. Avanafil is a medicine that is prescribed for prophylaxis pertaining to erectile dysfunction as well as for premature ejaculation. The advantage of this ingredient is two-fold. Firstly it is the most effective drug known in the market and secondly, it is taken in well by the older men also. The efficiency of this ingredient in treating erectile dysfunction was also buttressed by FDA in 2012.
Generic avanafil /dapoxetine tablet is manufactured by Sunrise Remedies is prescribed for erectile dysfunction among men. It helps men to get an erection and sustain it for a long period of time so that they are able to achieve sexual satisfaction. The drug is a blend of Generic Stendra (Avanafil 100 mg) and Generic Priligy (Dapoxetine 60 mg) that works wonders in fixing sexual disorders. Generic Stendra works on the line of other similar drugs in the market such as phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors. On the other hand, Generic Priligy is a medication that treats premature ejaculation. Various studies conducted by FDA have evinced that Avanafil is released off the body more quickly than any other drug of the same class.
Avanafil works effectively in rectifying erectile dysfunction by augmenting the production of cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate) levels in the penile tissues. It is produced as a soluble white crystalline powder that dissolves in organic solvents and only modestly in water. The increased level of cGMP brings more blood to the smooth muscles of penis, relaxes them, and helps in getting erection. At the same the medicine also works on the blood vessels that draw out blood from the penile area by decreasing their size. The decreased size means lesser blood will be removed from the penis and strong erection will ensue.
Take doses as prescribed and directed by your doctor. You may frequent your doctor so as to modify the dosage from time to time to get better results. Follow the directions and do not take larger or smaller dosage of your own accord. The medicine is usually taken 30 minutes before the sexual intercourse and as per the recommendations of the doctor.
You will not have an erection using Avanafil if you do not get a sexual stimulation. Erection does not happen just by consuming the medicine. It can be taken with or without food. Do not take the medicine more than once in a day and keep a gap of 24 hours between doses.
This medicine boasts a highly successful rate among men facing erectile dysfunction problems and works in more than 80 % cases. You have to swallow the tablet with a glass of water to avoid the bitter taste of the medicine.
However, the result varies from person to person depending on the pace of break-down and how quickly the body enzymes absorb the drug. The initial dosage should not be more than 100 mg and must be taken orally half an hour before the intercourse.
Maintenance dosage should be between 50 to 200 mg orally and maximum dosage could be upto 200 mg in a day. You must report to your doctor if you experience a painful erection that lasts more than 4 hours. Priapism which is a condition of prolonged erection can cause damage to the penis. The drug should be stored at room temperature in a cool, dry and dark place.
The drug is used without any prescription schedule so you can take it as per your need.
Immediately visit your doctor if you accidently take an overdose.
Following is the list of some serious side effects of this generic drug. Immediately visit your doctor if the following happens.
There are some minor side-effects associated with the use of this capsule which is as follows
There are some major side-effects associated with the use of this capsule which is as follows
You must abstain from drinking as it may increase the side effects of this tablet. You must avoid taking more than three beverages containing alcohol while you are on the pill. Grapefruit and products of grapefruit must also be avoided to brush off side effects.
Avoid taking generic drug of avanafil /dapoxetine in combination with fatty foods as this will diminish effect of the drug. Super Avana is not to be taken when you are taking other medications containing Nitrates. If you are taking any other medicine, you will have to wait for 14 days before you can start taking this medicine.
The medicine should not be prescribed to women who are pregnant or are breastfeeding a child.
This is available online at Clear Sky Pharmacy for a very affordable price. this pills come in box of a blister strip of 4 tablets. You can also buy (Avanafil 200 mg/Dapoxetine 60mg) tablet.
This Super Avana generic drugs does not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS. So safe sex is the best option.
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