Pyzina 750mg Tablet (Pyrazinamide)
Medicine OverView

Buy Pyzina Tablet generic drug of Pyrazinamide online at a low price from the most trusted pharmacy for Tuberculosis (TB). Get all info about this medication like the use, review, how long does the last Composition, dosage (missed/over), Substitutes, side effect, manufactured by Lupin Limited, Precautions, how it works, and many more. You can get speedy delivery in the USA, UK, France, Australia, China.
This tablet is an antitubercular drug which helps to treat tuberculosis and reduces the spread of infection. It should be taken with other medications to prevent the spread of disease. It contains a generic drug of Pyrazinamide as an active ingredient.
Pyzina 500mg tablet is prescribed for the treatment of tuberculosis.
This tablet is an antibiotic. It works by moderating the development of bacteria that causes tuberculosis.
Take this medicine in perfect dose and duration as suggested by your doctor or pharmacist. Gulp down the medication as an entire. Try not to bite, squash or break it. Pyzina 500mg tablet should be taken with meals.
If you miss a dose of this tablet, take the missed dose as quickly as you remember the off chance that it is nearly time for your next dose, skip the missed dosage. Try not to twofold your dosage to compensate for the missed dose.
Contact the doctor in case of an overdose or seek emergency medical treatment.
This medicine may cause liver damage. The baseline of liver function tests should be obtained before initiating the treatment. Any signs of elevated liver enzymes should be reported to the doctor.
This medicine ought to be used with caution in patients with diabetes. Close observing of blood glucose levels is necessary. Any signs of altered glucose levels should be reported to the doctor.
Not recommended in patients who are known allergic to Pyzina 500mg tablet.
Not recommended in patients with severe liver impairment.
Not recommended in patients with increased uric acid levels or acute gout.
Usage of Pyzina 500mg tablet without adequate proof or suspicion of a bacterial infection ought to be avoided. Irrational dosing might fail in providing advantages and even cause toxicity. It might also raise the risk of the development of bacteria that are drug resistant.
This medication is excreted through kidneys. The concentration of this drug may increase in patients with impaired kidney function. The dose should be adjusted based on the CrCl.
This medicine is not recommended for use during pregnancy if it is not entirely necessary. Counsel your doctor about the potential benefits and risks before deciding to take this drug.
This medication is discharged in breast milk. It is recommended for breastfeeding women only if needed. The risk and advantages should be discussed with the doctor before taking this medicine.
The influence of this medicine lasts for an average duration of 27 to 30 hours.
The effect of this drug can be observed in 2 hours.
This drug is not suggested for use during pregnancy if it is not necessary. Consult your doctor about the potential benefits and risks before deciding to take this medication
No habit-forming tendencies were reported.
Pyzina medicine is discharged in breast milk. It is recommended for breastfeeding women only if needed. The risk and advantages should be discussed with the doctor before taking this medication.
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