Raltegravir 400mg Tablet (Ralvir)
Medicine OverView

Buy Raltegravir 400 mg tablet Generic drug of Raltegravir of online at a low price from most trusted pharmacy to cure HIV infection. Get all info about this medicine like the review, use, side effect, dosage (missed/over), how long does the last Composition, Substitutes, manufactured by Biometrix Biotech India Pvt. Ltd, how it works, Precautions and many more. You can also get speedy delivery in the UK, USA, Australia, France, China.
These tablets have been introduced and manufactured by MSD Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. The medication has been made in a wide array of variants and strengths. This medicine is film-coated, and their chemical composition of the tablets consists of the active agent known as Raltegravir.
The pill is widely used to counteract the effects of the HIV. The medication is a strong and targeted approach towards managing and treating the disorder. A prescription is required to buy this medication as the drug is prescribed to patients that are living with severe and life-threatening diseases. Ask your doctor about questions related to the tablets.
As mentioned earlier, this medication is prescribed to patients that suffer from the effects of HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus which is the cause of AIDS or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
In the cases of people suffering from Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection or AIDS, the immune system of our body is compromised to a great extent. This makes us susceptible to even the most common infections and diseases. The same common cold that you may have been able to tolerate might prove to be very harmful and even fatal.
These drugs are prescribed to keep the progression of the HIV in check. If the progress has already led to the development of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, the medicine is used to manage the condition and the related symptoms.
Each generic drug of Raltegravir that is made by MSD Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. is composed of an active agent which is called Raltegravir. Raltegravir pill is classified as a type of antiretroviral drug which is used to manage the progression of a HIV in the human body.
Raltegravir is a kind of potassium component that is an ISTI or an Integrase strand transfer inhibitor. By stopping the strands of the HIV from multiplying, the infection can be slowed down and kept under control.
The HIV multiplies while it develops and nests in the cells of the body. By stopping the multiplication of the cells and disrupting their replication mechanism at their basic level, the active agent of the medication helps in managing the infection. Also, the medication achieves this by inhibiting the production of integrase which is crucial for the replication process.
The proper information about how long does it last is printed on the tablet box or the tablet strip.
The pill has been made to be taken orally. Although, there are other variants of the same medication their course of action may be different. Thus, it is advised that you be very careful while getting your prescription filled and avoid mixing up the medicines.
There are no dietary restrictions related to the use of Raltegravir 400 mg tablets. That means the tablets can be taken either on an empty stomach or with food. Try coming up with a time where it is easy for you to take the medication. Make a dosage regimen and follow it. This will help you to reduce any missed dosage incidents.
The severity of the HIV infection varies from patient to patient, and so does the progression level of the virus. Thus, prescribing the right dosage is crucial for the patient suffering from the infection. In the case of an average adult, the dosage is mostly kept to one or two tablets a day. The dosage may be recalibrated based on how the patient is feeling and the way the medicine has reacted inside the body. Keep a close eye for any unusual symptoms and tell your doctor about them. The dosage is also dependent on what preexisting conditions that you may suffer from, any other medication you might be taking or the tolerance level of your body. Keeping all of these factors in mind, your doctor decides on the dosage which is right for you.
Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. Skip the missed dose if it is almost time for your next scheduled dose. Do not use extra medicine to make up for the missed dose.
Seek emergency medical treatment or contact the doctor in case of an overdose.
There are some side-effects associated with the use of any medicine out there. Although, keeping in mind the dosage strength of the medication and the worsened condition of the individual, even the most common and insignificant side-effect may manifest into something harmful.
As per the expert’s review, there are a few side effects of these tablets. They are as follows
There are some Major side-effects associated with the use of this drug which is as follows
There are some minor side-effects associated with the use of this tablet which is as follows
If any of the side-effects become consistent and cause extreme discomfort, seek medical help immediately.
Dizziness is a known side-effect related to the use of Raltegravir pills. Thus, stop driving if you feel dizzy and try avoiding it after taking medicine.
If you take digestive aids for any gastric discomfort, avoid making them a couple of hours before and after you take this drug.
Do not discontinue the treatment on your own if you start feeling good. Consult your doctor about it first and then do as the doctor tells you in your case.
The levels of body fat may rise and fall irregularly while an individual is on this medication. Also, a shift is observed when it comes to the concentration of the fat in the body.
If you encounter symptoms such as joint pain, stiffness or signs of infection such as fever, seek medical help as soon as possible.
Raltegravir 400 Mg pill should not be taken if: you are allergic to Raltegravir 400 Mg drug or any other related medicines. If you have liver pain or a history of a muscle disorder, you have a high level of creatine kinase. Also, also you have phenylketonuria, you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant.
This medicine is not recommended for a pregnant lady.
This medicine is not recommended in breastfeeding women.
The medicine deals with a complicated disease for which there are no permanent cures. So, the substitutes are limited in number, but still, there is one other medication that is similar to this pill in chemical composition. They are known as Zepdon pill which is manufactured by Cipla Ltd.
The doctor may weigh the risks against the benefits and then decide on if the medicine is right for you. There are increased chances of potential harm to the fetus. Thus, the doctor’s discretion is advised.
Inculcate some discipline and avoid missing the dosage of the medication as it may cause the body to develop resistance.
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