Veenat 400mg Tablet (Imatinib)
Medicine OverView

Buy Veenat 100mg and 400mg tablets Generic drug of Imatinib online at a cheap price from most trusted pharmacy to cure Blood cancer (Chronic myeloid leukemia), Gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Get all info about this medicine like use, dosage (missed/over), Precautions, Substitutes, the review, how long does the last Composition, side effect, manufactured by Natco Pharma Ltd, how it works, and many more. You can also get speedy delivery in the UK, China, USA, Australia, France.
This medication is used as a chemotherapy drug. It is available in 100 mg, and 400 mg. Beside other diseases, it is generally used during the treatment of blood cancer and gastrointestinal stromal tumor. This medicine is a composition of imatinib mesylate it is active Ingredient; it works by inhibiting the protein- tyrosine kinase.
This medicine is used for a particular type of cancers, viz;
The compound imatinib has a cytotoxic effect on the cancerous cells thus slowing down or preventing the growth and spread of cancer cells. the proper information about how long does last is provided on the tablet strip or tablet box.
The use of this pill highly depends on the height, weight, age, and severity of the condition. Veenat 100mg pill is available in the form of an oral drug. It can be administered once or twice in a day, based on how much dose is given. If 400 mg/day is applied it is given once in a day (OD), It is also available in the form of injection, but that needs to be administered strictly under medical supervision.
veenat medicine is available in 100 mg, 400 mg. Depending on the severity of the condition. Your doctor will prescribe the correct dose depending on how severe or chronic the disease is. It will also depend on the medication that you are currently taking
Immediately contact your consulting doctor if the dose is missed. Symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or allergy are commonly seen. Overdosage of any medicine is hazardous, but with a pill like Veenat 400mg, it could be very dangerous. Seek urgent medical meditation if you see any of the symptoms mentioned above.
If the treatment is missed, take it as soon as possible. If it is time for your next treatment do not take two doses or an extra dose, skip the missed dose. If more than one treatment is lost, immediately consult your doctor.
Every medicine has specific side effects. Anemia is a common occurrence in these patients. Also, low white blood cells (Leukopenia) and low platelet count (Thrombocytopenia) has been reported. as per expert reviews, there are some side effects which are as follows.
Most common Major side effects are as follows
Most common Minor side effects are as follows
Water retention and swelling is part of these side effects of the veenat pill. You need to see your doctor if there is any unexpected rapid weight gain.
This medicine is not recommended for a pregnant lady.
This medicine is not recommended in breastfeeding women.
Use of this medication during pregnancy is complicated. Some may use it while some might not. If you are pregnant be sure to mention that to your doctor. Your doctor will prescribe it if he/she thinks it’s safe for the unborn child.
Usage of Veenat 100mg is avoided during breastfeeding. Doctors either ask to discontinue breastfeeding or they would change the drug. This medicine completely depends on the severity of the condition. It is known to pass on in breast milk making it hazardous for the infant.
If you wish to alter your dosage consult your doctor first. Do not modify it by yourself under any circumstances. Changes in dosage of this medicine might induce severe side effects. Under no conditions should you alter the dosage without proper guidance
This drug is continued for a specified period. Whether to be kept or not, it is the call of a doctor.
Drug interaction is a common phenomenon. So it is vital that the doctor be aware of all the pill that you are currently taking. Mention all your prescription and non-prescription or over the counter pill to your doctor before you start the course of this pill. Mention all herbal concoctions or Ayurveda alternatives (if any) that you are taking or plan to take.
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