Sorafenat 200mg Tablet (Sorafenib)
Medicine OverView

Buy Sorafenat 200 mg tablets Generic drug of Sorafenib online at a cheap price from most trusted pharmacy to cure Liver cancer, Kidney cancer, Thyroid cancer. Get all info about this medicine like use, dosage (missed/over), Precautions, Substitutes, the review, how long does the last Composition, side effect, manufactured by Natco Pharma Ltd, how it works, and many more. You can also get speedy delivery in the USA, UK, China, France, Australia.
This medicine is a part of an advanced treatment protocol used for specific types of Cancers.this drug is a composition of Sorafenib it has been classified as Chemotherapeutic in nature, and it is prescribed to inhibit new growths in a patient. Natco Pharma Ltd manufactures the drug. This medication is known for their inhibiting properties and their targeted approach towards stopping the growth of existing cancer in the body. This property of the medicine is what makes it useful in multiple cancer disorders as a chemotherapeutic agent.
As mentioned earlier, this medicine has been prescribed for specific cancer disorders only. Also, from the data gathered from the users, a majority of the users taking Sorafenat 200mg tablets suffer from advanced renal cell carcinoma which is a type of cancer that affects the kidneys. In this condition, the cancerous tumor starts out in one of the kidneys. In the advanced stages, cancer metastasizes into other organs and lymph nodes. In those cases, treating it surgically becomes next to impossible. This medication is prescribed for patients who have Kidney cancer as well as Liver cancer and Thyroid cancer for taking an aggressive approach towards treating the disease. The chemotherapeutic nature of the medication means the medicine is only given if you have a valid prescription from your doctor.
Sorafenat Tablets have an active agent Sorafenib that has inhibiting properties. By using the tablets, your doctor has decided to take a targeted and aggressive approach towards your treatment as these tablets are one of the best possible options for it. However, the treatment varies from person to person and the severity of the condition. Thus, the doctor may decide to go with other pill depending on your situation. This drug work by stopping the growth of new cancerous cells in the body. By staying the growth of the cells, you can keep the disease under control and prevent it from progressing to advanced stages. The active agent in the medication targets the cancerous cell and attacks them. This prevents new growths in the body and helps to keep existing increases under control. The proper information about how long does it last is printed on the tablet box or the tablet strip.
The use of this medicine should be guided by your family doctor who has overseen your cancer treatment. During your appointments, tell your doctor about your entire medical history which involves any other pill that you might be on or have taken in the past. This helps your doctor decide on the best course of medicine for you.
All the Sorafenat 200mg tablets manufactured by Natco Pharma Ltd. are made to be taken orally. The proper information about how long does last is provided in the tablet strip or tablet box, If you have difficulty in swallowing a tablet, take it with a glass of water to make it go down easily. Take the drug either 2-3 hours before your meals or 1-2 hours after you have finished your meals. This means that you need to take the pill on an empty stomach. However, stick to the dosage schedule and duration that has been prescribed by your doctor.
Deciding the right dosage for an individual depends on many factors. Taking the drug without consulting a doctor can cause more harm than good as you might be overdosing on the medicine without even knowing it. Thus, a doctor does a thorough checkup of your body and based on how you have reacted to other medications in the past, decides on the dosage that is right for you. How the drug performs during your treatment.
If you miss the dose, skip that dose until it’s time for your next treatment. Never compensate for the skipped dose by taking an extra tablet as that might cause an overdose.
The overdose may be characterized by a severe skin rash or a severe case of Diarrhea. If this happens, stop taking medicine and seek medical help.
There are some side-effects associated with the use of Sorafenat Tablets. There might be other non-familiar side-effects of the drug. If any of the side-effects get severe and hard to bear, stop taking the pill and consult your doctor immediately. as per expert reviews, there are some side effects which are as follows
There are several minor side effects which are as follows
There are several major side effects which are as follows
If you are on any other pill, tell your doctor about it before starting the medication.
While you are on this medication, avoid taking high-fat content foods such as chocolate, olive oil, nuts.
if you have the problem of blood pressure needs to be monitored during the course of the medication as the intake of the pill may cause your BP to fluctuate.
If you see blood in your urine, in your cough or any bleeding that doesn’t stop on its own, immediately seek medical attention.
People suffering from a heart problem should avoid taking this pill.
People who are suffering from squamous cell cancer, should not use this drug. Sorafenat 200 Mg Tablet is also highly likely to affect the heart and even cause significant bleeding. Thus if you develop any chest discomfort, unusual sweating or experience extreme dizziness, vaginal bleeding or blood in vomit get in contact with your physician immediately.
This medicine is not recommended for use in pregnant women. Appropriate contraception should be used to avoid getting pregnant during treatment with this medicine. Contact your doctor and discuss the risks if pregnancy is suspected.
This medicine is not recommended for use in breastfeeding women unless necessary. All the risks and benefits should be discussed with the doctor before using this medicine.
There are a couple of substitutes to this drug which is chemically similar to Sorafenat in composition. They are
The medicine should not be prescribed to pregnant women as there have been positive results indicating fetal demise or harm. If pregnant women are taking this medicine, this should be at the advice of their doctor only.
The use of Sorafenib pill is not advised for breastfeeding women. If you are using the medication, you might be asked by your doctor to stop breastfeeding.
There has not been any clue of an interaction of this drug with alcohol consumption. Besides that, the intake of alcohol should be minimized or stopped entirely if on this medication.
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