Ketocip 2% Shampoo (Ketoconazole)
Medicine OverView

Buy Ketocip 2% Shampoo is the Generic drug of Ketoconazole(2%) online at a low price from most trusted pharmacy to cure Fungal infections. Get all detail about this medicine like use, dosage (missed/over), Precautions, Substitutes, the review, how long does, side effect, the last Composition, manufactured by Cipla Pharmaceuticals, India, how it works. You can also get fast delivery in the UK, China, USA, Australia, France.
This medicine is a composition of Ketoconazole, and it is an active ingredient which is an azole antifungal type of drug. These Shampoos work by disrupting the fungal cell membranes to kill fungi and yeast that produce an infection.
This Shampoo prescribed for the fungal infections of the skin.
Ketocip Shampoo 2% - 100ml belongs to the class of drugs called antifungal agents.
This medicine acts by inhibiting the action of fungal cytochrome and impairs the synthesis of ergosterol by interfering with the cell wall synthesis. The proper info about how long does last is provided 100 ml in 1 bottle.
Use this medicine suggested by your doctor. Check the label for directions before use.
If You miss this Shampoo dose, take the missed dosage as possible as you remind. Don’t apply in massive volume to make for the missed dose.
Inform your Physician immediately if you are experiencing symptoms of overdose.
All medicines may cause side effects, but multiple people have no side effects or only have minor side effects. Call your physician or adviser take medical help if any these reactions or some other symptoms trouble you or don't leave. as per expert reviews, there are some side effects which are as follows:
Minor side effects are as follows
Major side effects are as follow.
Ketocip 2% - 100ml Shampoo should be used by following all the instructions that are given by your physician.
To secure full improvement and no revert, the complete course of treatment should be taken after. Any instance of side effect should be reported to the doctor immediately.
this Shampoo is not recommended for use if you have a known allergy to this medicine.
this Shampoo is not advised for co-administration with drugs that are known to cause specific changes in heart rhythm.
this Shampoo can cause severe liver injury when high doses are used. Any known incidence of liver disease must be reported for to the specialist. Dosage adjustments and security checks may be required in such cases.
this Shampoo may increase the QT prolongation. This risk is more if co-administered with other medicines that can cause QT prolongation. Close monitoring of heart function is necessary.
Ketocip Shampoo may decrease the adrenal corticosteroid secretion when high doses are utilized. The suggested dose should not exceed 400mg. Close observing of adrenal function is necessary.
This Ketocip Shampoo is not suggested for use during pregnancy unless necessary. Consult your physician about the potential benefits and risks before deciding to take this medicine.
This Shampoo is not recommended for use during breastfeeding women unless necessary. Consult your physician about the potential benefits and risks before deciding to take this medicine. Do not breastfeed for at least 5 hours after the dose to reduce the risk of exposure.
Some commonly available substitutes for this SHAMPOO are given:
Yes, all medicines (products) containing ketoconazole are safe at the recommended dose, frequency, and duration.
No, this generic medication is not an antibiotic as it does not kill bacteria. It is an antifungal agent.
Yes, this medication may rarely cause some hair loss. Ketoconazole topical does not prevent hair loss.
Yes, dry skin at the site of use is a usual side effect of this Shampoo.
This drug is commonly utilized to treat fungal infections of the skin such as ringworms. Psoriasis is not a fungal skin disease, and use of this is not warranted to treat this condition.
No, this Shampoo is not a steroid. It is an antifungal agent.
This Shampoo can block the synthesis of all steroids made by the adrenal organ, involve the male sex hormone dihydrotestosterone. Testosterone union from the testes is additionally blocked.
Yes, this Shampoo has an expiry date. Read the data given on the package for correct expiry date.
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