Idrofos Injection (Ibandronic Acid)
Medicine OverView

Buy Idrofos Injection Generic drug of Ibandronic Acid (3mg) online a low price from most trusted pharmacy to cure Osteoporosis. Get all info about this medicine like the review, use, side effect, dosage (missed/over), how long does the last Composition, Substitutes, manufactured by Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd, how it works, Precautions and many more. You can also get speedy delivery in the UK, USA, Australia, France, China.
Idrofos 3mg injection is used for Metastasis of bone due to breast cancer, Weak and brittle bones in menopausal women, High calcium levels in the blood and other conditions. It contains Ibandronate as an active ingredient.
This Injection is prescribed for the osteoporosis. It treats osteoporosis in postmenopausal men and women at high risk of fractures.
This Injection works by preventing the breakdown of the bones and increasing the density of the bones.
Your physician or nurse will give you this drug. Kindly do not self administer.
If the monthly dose of this injection is forgotten and less than seven days are remaining for the next dosage, skip the missed dose and continue with the scheduled dose next month. If the next scheduled dose is more than a week later, take the missed dose as soon as you remember, in the morning. If the 3-monthly appointment for the Idrofos 3mg injection is missed, inform the specialist instantly and take the dose as soon as it can be rescheduled. After this dose, the next dose should be scheduled three months later.
Contact the specialist or seek emergency medical treatment if you suspect an overdose of Idrofos Injection. Since the injection is administered in the clinical setting by a qualified healthcare professional, the likelihood of an overdose is very less. But, emergency medical treatment will be initiated by the specialist if an overdose is suspected.
Patients using this injection may encounter unwanted side effects such as:
Take Idrofos 3mg injection as instructed by the specialist. Don’t take in larger amounts than prescribed. Consult the specialist if you experience any undesirable side effects. Ensure that the treatment course is completed. Do not stop the use of this medication without consulting your physician.
Tell your specialist if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or are breastfeeding.
Don’t take if allergic to Ibandronic Acid or any of its ingredients.
Try not to take if suffering from severe kidney problems or low levels of calcium in the blood.
Don’t take if Patient has swallowing problems or having any problem with the esophagus (food pipe).
Do not take Ibandronic Acid if you develop difficulty or pain upon swallowing, new or worsening heartburn or chest pain.
You will be regularly monitored for laboratory tests such as bone mineral density, blood calcium levels during this treatment and kidney function.
This medication is not suggested for use in pregnant women unless necessary. All the advantages should be discussed with the specialist before taking this drug.
Idrofos medication is not suggested for use in breastfeeding women unless necessary. All the benefits should be discussed with the specialist before taking this drug. Your specialist may advise you to discontinue breastfeeding or to discontinue the drug based on your clinical condition.
This injection is utilized to treat and prevent bones from becoming weak and osteoporosis in menopausal women.
This is not a steroid.
Interaction with alcohol is unknown. It is advisable to counsel with your specialist before consumption.
No habit-forming tendencies were reported.
This drug is not suggested for use in pregnant women unless necessary. All the risks and benefits should be discussed with the doctor before taking this medication.
This drug is not suggested for use in breastfeeding women unless necessary. All the risks and benefits should be discussed with the specialist before taking this drug. Your specialist may advise you to discontinue breastfeeding or to discontinue the drug based on your clinical condition.
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