Fucibet Cream (Fusidic Acid/Betamethasone)
Medicine OverView

Buy Fucibet 15g cream Generic drug of Fusidic Acid/Betamethasone online a low price from most trusted pharmacy to cure Skin infections. Get all info about this medicine like the review, use, side effect, dosage (missed/over), how long does the last Composition, Substitutes, manufactured by Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd, how it works, Precautions and many more. You can also get speedy delivery in the UK, USA, Australia, France, China.
Fucibet 15g cream is a cream or lipid cream applied topically to the treatment of infected eczema. This cream helps to reduce skin inflammation caused by inflammatory chemicals released by the immune system in response to skin irritation and helping to clear away infecting bacteria. This cream contains Betamethasone Topical and Fusidic Acid Topical as active ingredients.
This cream is prescribed for the treatment of Allergy and inflammation and skin infections.
Fucibet cream works by inhibiting the inflammatory mediators; showing bactericidal activity.
This medicine is for external use only. Take this drugs in the dose and duration as advised by your specialist.
Check the label for directions before use. Dry and clean the influenced area and apply this cream.
If you missed a dosage, take it as soon as possible. If you are regularly missing dosages, consider setting the alarm or requesting that a relative remind you. Please consult your physician talk about changes in your dosing plan or another schedule to make up for missed doses if you have lost too many dosages recently.
Contact your specialist if an overdose of this medication is suspected. If you see any Symptoms of an overdose may be thinning of the skin, easy bruising and bleeding, body fat deposits.
Fucibet 15g cream can cause some side effects. Use of this cream for a prolonged period of time increases the risk of side effects. Possible side effects include:
You should not use Fucibet cream if you have a known sensitivity or allergy to any ingredient included in the cream. You are advised not to use this cream if you have a bacterial skin infection that is not secondary to eczema, fungal or viral skin infections, acne vulgaris or rosacea. You are also advised to avoid this cream if you are pregnant or lactating.
This medication may not be secure for all patients. Before you begin using it always disclose the following to your specialist:
Avoid getting any of this cream in your eyes as this may cause glaucoma.
Seek instant emergency medical attention if you suffer an allergic reaction. Symptoms to watch for, which may be indicative of a response, including skin rashes, swelling of the face or limbs, trouble breathing, hives, and difficulty swallowing.
Always use Fucibet cream as your specialist has prescribed you. Never change your dosage without first counseling with your specialist. The right dose can fluctuate contingent upon your wellbeing, medicinal history, and the seriousness of the condition being dealt with.
This medication is not suggested for use in pregnant women unless necessary. Talk about all the risks and benefits with your specialist before taking this drug.
This medicine is not suggested for use in breastfeeding ladies unless necessary. Talk about all the risks and benefits with your physician before taking this medication.
The time duration for which this cream remains effective is subject to vary depending on the form and route of administration.
Use of this drug during pregnancy is not suggested unless necessary and the benefits outweigh the risks. Consult your specialist before using this medication.
No habit-forming tendencies were recorded.
Use of this drug while breastfeeding is not suggested. However, if it is necessary to use this drug, then breastfeeding should be discontinued. Consult your specialist before using this medication.
Yes, atopic eczema and skin infections are among the most common reported uses for this cream. Please don’t utilize this cream for atopic eczema and skin infections without consulting first with your specialist.
Users have most commonly reported consuming Fucibet cream anytime. However, this might not be reflective of how you ought to consume this drug. Please follow your specialist's advice on how you should use this medication.
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