Elocon Cream (Mometasone)
Medicine OverView

Buy Elocon 30gm Cream Generic drug of Mometasone Furoate online at a low price from most trusted pharmacy to cure Allergy symptoms. Get all info about this medicine like use, side effect, dosage (missed/over), Substitutes, the review, how long does the last Composition, Precautions, manufactured by MSD Pharmaceuticals India Pvt. Ltd., how it works, and many more. You can also get speedy delivery in the UK, France, China, USA, Australia.
This cream is similar to the naturally occurring steroid hormones (hydrocortisone/cortisone) produced by the adrenal glands. It is used to stop and treat internal and external swelling associated with conditions like asthma, nasal polyps, hay fever, severe skin allergies, etc.
Elocon cream is used to treat skin problems such as eczema , psoriasis, allergies and skin rash. Mometasone decreases swelling (inflammation), itchiness and redness. Mometasone is a medium-strength steroid-hormone. This medication is available in some forms including cream, ointment, and lotion (solution). Your doctor will choose the type of product based on the skin condition/area of the body being treated.
Generic drug of Mometasone furoate 1 mg cream is part of a collection of medicines known as glucocorticoids, which are a type of corticosteroid ( steroid). Although glucocorticoids have many effects on the body, they are used mostly for their anti-inflammatory or immune-suppressing properties. Mometasone furoate cream works for most conditions by decreasing inflammation or suppressing an overactive immune system.
Only use Elocon 30gm Cream as directed by your medicinal provider. Also, it is suggested that you cleanse your hands before and after utilizing this Cream. The area of use should be focused. Only small amounts should be controlled to the treatment area.
You don’t want to freeze this product, and you want to keep this Cream from getting moist or overheated. It is best to store it at standard room temperature.
Avoid the forgot dose and continue with the next regular treatment as per timetable. Contact your physician if you have lost more than one scheduled dose of this prescription.
Contact your physician if you have used too much of this medicine. Symptoms of long-term exposure to high dose of this medicine may include thinning of the skin, increased acne or facial hair, easy bruising, body fat deposits, etc.
as per specialist reviews, there are some side effects which are as follows
Most usual Minor side effects are as follows
Most common Major side effects are as follows
Take Elocon 0.1% Cream as instructed by the doctor. Your dosage timings, duration, forms, and other attributes are subject to vary depending on the situation, and hence adherence to the direction is essential to ensure safe and effective use of this medicine.
This medicine is not suggested for use if you have a known history of hypersensitivity to mometasone or any drug belonging to the steroid category.
Elocon cream is not suggested for use if you had recent nasal surgery. Any incidence of severe nose injury or ulcer of the septum (wall dividing the nostrils) should also be reported to the doctor.
Use of this medicine has sometimes been connected with an increase in intraocular stress and may cause eye-disease or formation of cataract. It should be very carefully administered to patients who have glaucoma.
Utilize of this medicine can cause a relapse of fungus or bacterial infections in patients who have recently well again from it. It is advised to conduct appropriate diagnostic tests before beginning the treatment with this medication. Special precaution is guided while administering this medicine to a patient who has recently recovered from white-plague.
Immunization procedures involving the injection of a living and weakened pathogen should be avoided while taking this medicine. Alternate means of immunization not including a live strain of a microorganism could be considered.
Elocon medicine should be used with carefulness in pediatric patients as the risk of growth abnormalities, other developmental problems and brittle bones are significantly high.
This medicine is not suggested for use by pregnant ladies unless needed and the potential benefits outweigh the risks involved. Consult your physician and discuss the risks before using this medicine.
Utilize this medicine while breastfeeding is not suggested. Still, if it is necessary to use this medicine, then breastfeeding should be discontinued. Consult your doctor before using this medicine.
The available substitutes for this medication are:
Are allergic to mometasone or any elements in this Alcohol-Free Cream
Have a viral infection of the skin, white-plague, acne rosacea (a chronic skin condition), perioral dermatitis (facial rash around the mouth), fungal skin infections and ulcerative conditions Have damaged skin
You should apply a thin film Elocon 30gm Alcohol-Free Cream to the affected area of skin once daily softly rubbing into the skin. It would be better if you always wash your hands before and after applying for the medicine and to definite, you don’t get several in your eyes, nose or mouth. This Cream is intended for short-term use, and if used in children or on the face, you should use only five days not use for more than five days. You should use this Cream for as long as recommended by your doctor and depend on your condition; long term continuous use should be avoided as it can cause problems.
This cream contains the active ingredient mometasone furoate (1 mg per 1g of cream). It also includes aluminum starch octenyl succinate, hexylene glycol, phosphoric acid, soy phosphatidylcholine – hydrogenated, purified water, titanium dioxide, white beeswax, soft white paraffin.
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