Capegard 500mg Tablet (Capecitabine)
Medicine OverView

Buy Capegard 500mg tablet Generic drug of Capecitabine online at a reasonable price from most trusted website to cure Ovarian cancer, Head and neck cancer, Cervical cancer. Get all info regarding this medicine like the review, use, Precautions, dosage (Missed/Over), Composition, Substitutes, side effect, manufactured by Cipla, how it works, how long does last. You can also get fast delivery in USA, UK, Australia, France, and China.
Capegard 500 mg has the active ingredient capecitabine is considered an antimetabolites anticancer type of medicine. The medicine works by interfering with cancer cells and slowing or stopping cancer cell growth and decrease tumor size. It is usually used with another tablet or another type of cancer therapy (chemotherapy and radiation treatment) in the treatment of certain types of cancer such as stomach cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer and cancer of the large rectum and bowel.
Ovarian cancer, head and neck cancer, cervical cancer, Testicular cancer., breast cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), blood cancer, lung cancer, bone cancer, and urinary bladder cancer.
This medication affects the growth of RNA and DNA of the cancer cells by substituting their building blocks. It prevents the cancer cells from increasing and multiplying.
Use this medication in the dose and duration as suggested by your doctor or pharmacist. Swallow this pill as a whole. This medicine does not chew, crush or break. This pill is to be used with food.
Take the forgot dose as quickly as you remember If you miss a dose of this medication. Skip the forgot dose If it’s almost time for your next scheduled dose, Do not double your dose to cover up for the forgot dose.
Seek emergency health treatment or contact the physician in case of an overdose.
Patients taking this pill may encounter unwanted side effects such as:
Contact a doctor or physician immediately if side effects persist or encounter more severe side effects such as:
Capegard 500 mg pill may cause severe diarrhea which causes electrolytes loss and increases the risk of dehydration and kidney injury. Close monitoring of kidney function is required while getting this medication.
This medication may cause severe skin reactions like Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) and Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. Tell your doctor or pharmacist directly if any symptoms of skin rashes and itching appear. In patients with severe skin reactions thus, treatment with this medication should be discontinued, and alternative medicine should be given.
This medication is not suggested for taking in patients with a known hypersensitivity to capecitabine or 5-fluorouracil.
this medication is not suggested for use in seeking a person with severe kidney damage which is increased the risk of severe adverse effects.
Immediately counsel your nearest emergency medical sector or hospital If you suffer an allergic reaction. Symptoms usually connected with such adverse effect include trouble swallowing or breathing, swelling, chest tightness, hives, and skin rashes.
This pill is not always right for all patients. Always counsel your health care provider or doctor before taking this medicine if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to conceive, taking any other medicine (OTC or prescription), taking any herbal (ayurvedic medicine) products, or if you have any allergies or another medical problem.
The correct prescription and dosage commonly depend on the seek people and the condition being treated. Do not increase or decrease your dosage before the approval of your family physician or doctor. This pill is only for use as prescribed and instructed.
Capegard 500 mg drug is not suggested for taking in pregnant ladies.
This medicine is not suggested for taking in breastfeeding ladies except in life-threatening conditions. Your physician or doctor may advise you to discontinue breastfeeding or to discontinue the medication or drug based on your severe or critical condition.
The available substitutes for this medication are:
No. it is a cytostatic (stops the growth of cells), agent
It is administered as a tablet
this medicine is as soon as absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
It is metabolized in the tumor tissue and liver
This pill works based on the intensity and severity of cancer. Please ask the family doctor how quickly it will work
Capecitabine and it’s metabolites stay in the system about two hours on an average
This drug is known to have adverse effects like hair loss/ tiredness/ diarrhea and affects the skin. Please inform the doctor or physician about any side effects that you observe while on therapy.
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