Caberlin 0.25mg Tablet (Cabergoline)
Medicine OverView

Buy Caberlin 0.25/0.5 mg Generic drug of cabergoline online at a low price from most trusted pharmacy to cure Increased prolactin levels, Acromegaly. Get all info about this medicine like the review, use, side effect, dosage (missed/over), how long does the last,Composition, Substitutes, manufactured by Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd, how it works, Precautions and many more. You can also get speedy delivery in the UK, USA, Australia, France, China.
Cabergoline 0.25/0.5 mg tablet belongs to a group of composition medications called dopamine receptor agonists. It is used to reduce high levels of prolactin hormone in the body which in women can result in symptoms like missed periods, unwanted breast milk and also difficulty in pregnancy. High levels of prolactin hormone may also cause the developments of symptoms like enlarged breasts and decreased sexual desire in men. It causes bone loss in both men and women as well. In such condition, this medicine works in a significant way by blocking the release of prolactin hormone from the pituitary gland and thus lowering the level of the hormone in the body.
Caberlin 0.25mg tablet is used in a condition called hyperprolactinemia when the body contains high levels of prolactin hormone. Prolactin is released from the pituitary gland and plays a very crucial role in developing breast milk in the breastfeeding mother. However, when it is released too much from the pituitary gland, it can pose a severe threat to health for both men and lady.
This medicine helps in the treatment of various sexual problems along with irregular menstruation, infertility, unwanted breast milk production, bone loss, etc. When some severe hormonal disorder occurs, or a tumor develops in the pituitary gland, prolactin is released in a higher amount resulting in a high level of the hormone in the body.
The higher levels of prolactin quite severely impact the ovulation and menstrual cycle of the woman body. It also increases the breast milk production of a woman. High prolactin levels can also affect the reproductive system of a man. The sexual desire of a man is being decreased by the higher levels of the hormone, and it could result in infertility in a man as well.
In all such situations, this medication is quite useful in controlling the higher levels of the hormone.
Apart from that, this pill is also used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease in some cases, when one develops a nervous system disorder related to muscle control, balance, and movement.
Caberlin 0.25 mg tablet belongs to a group of drugs called dopamine agonists. All the medicines belong to this group work in the same way and are used in the similar conditions of the disease.
Dopamine is produced by the body, and it has quite an effective role in reducing the release of prolactin in the body. This tablet works by binding to dopamine receptors. It debars the pituitary gland from releasing prolactin and thus helps in decreasing the prolactin levels.
That is how this pill is quite an effective medicine in reducing the release of the prolactin and lowering the level of the hormone in the body.
You need to administer the drug by mouth with or without food. You will usually be prescribed twice a week. However, your doctor can change the dose as per your requirement. Your treatment will be decided by your doctor considering your medical condition and response to the medicine. Your prolactin level will decide it. Initially, a lower dose will be given to you, and slowly it will be increased in next few months so that you might have minimum side effects of the drug. You should take the medication regularly to ensure the best result of it. You can mark the days on the calendar as you reminder so that you can surely make the drug in the right time without forgetting it.
You need to take this medication by mouth with or without food, usually twice a week. However, it may be altered by your doctor. Your medical condition will be thoroughly examined by your doctor, and your dose will be readjusted considering your prolactin level.
Your doctor will probably start with a lower dose, and it will be slowly increased in several months so that you might have minimum side effects. You only need to follow the instructions of your doctor strictly and religiously.
If you have missed doges, avoid taking a double dose and go for the next treatment making it sure that this kind of mistake will not be repeated.
If you have consumed an overdose of the drug by mistake, tell immediately to your doctor. Your dose will be readjusted. It is right for you to make a mark on the calendar for your schedule of taking the drug to avert an overdose.
As per expert reviews, there are some major side-effects associated with the use of this capsule which is as follows
there are some minor side-effects associated with the use of this capsule which is as follows
there are some major side-effects associated with the use of this capsule which is as follows
Caberlin 0.5 Mg could be detrimental to patients who have the problems of heart disease, high blood; pressure or issues in kidney or lungs. You should tell your doctor the fact, if you are allergic to any component present in this drug such as cabergoline, before taking the medication.
Caberlin 0.25 Mg could be detrimental to patients who have the problems of heart disease, high blood; pressure or difficulties in kidney or lungs. You should tell your doctor the fact, if you are allergic to any component present in this tablet such as cabergoline, before taking the drug.
You must not discontinue taking the drug in the midway by your own without consulting your doctor. In a situation like that, the side effects of this medicine may get worse and other complications like a headache, weakness, pain in the breasts, pimples, runny nose, etc. could emerge. The mouth should consume the medicine with or without food. If you miss a dose, consult your family doctor before having a double dose.
This medicine is not recommended for a pregnant lady.
This medicine is not recommended in breastfeeding women.
Some medicines may act as a substitute for this tablets. They are
This tablet is probably unsafe to use during lactation. Limited research on the human level reveals that the drug could pose a significant risk to the baby fed by the mother. It also suppresses lactation of a mother.
This tablet is probably safe to use during pregnancy. So far, it has not shown any adverse effect on the fetus. However, there are insufficient studies on the matter, and therefore, you should always consult your doctor during pregnancy while having the drug.
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