Atorva 40mg Tablet (Atorvastatin)
Medicine OverView

Buy Atorva 40mg Tablet generic drug of Atorvastatin online at low price from the most trusted pharmacy for High Cholesterol. Get all info about this medication like the review, use, how long does the last Composition, dosage (missed/over), Substitutes, side effect, manufactured by Zydus Lifesciences, how it works, Precautions and many more. You can get speedy delivery in the UK, USA, Australia, France, China.
Atorva is utilized to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Along with taking this tablet, a change in diet and constant exercise is recommended. The medicine helps in lessen the long-term cardiovascular risks such as stroke, heart attacks, chest pain, etc. It contains a generic drug of Atorvastatin as an active ingredient.
This tablet is utilized for the treatment, control, prevention, & improvement of the following diseases, conditions, and symptoms
This medication is utilized to treat Hyperlipidemia, which is a condition characterized by high levels of lipids in the blood.
This tablet is used in the therapy of Type III Hyperlipoproteinemia which is a genetic disorder characterized by the improper breakdown of lipids, causing accumulation of lipids in the body.
This medicine is employed in the treatment of Hypertriglyceridemia which is a type of fat found in the blood which expand the risk of heart diseases.
This tablet is used in the therapy of Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia which is a genetic disorder characterized by high cholesterol levels.
This drug is used to reduce the incidence of heart attacks by reducing the levels of bad cholesterol in the body.
This medication is used to reduce the incidence of stroke by reducing the levels of bad cholesterol in the body.
This tablet is a lipid-lowering medication (statin). It works by choking an enzyme (HMG-CoA-reductase) that is essential in the body to make cholesterol. It thus lowers "bad" cholesterol (LDL), triglycerides and raises "good" cholesterol (HDL).
Take this medicine in the dose and time as directed by your physician. Swallow it as a whole. Do not chew, squeeze or break it. Atorva 40mg Tablet may be using with or without food, but it is better to take it at a predetermined time.
Take the forgotten dose once you remember. However, if it is about the time for the next scheduled dose, then the missed dose should be skipped.
Seek emergency medical therapy or contact the specialist or physician in case of an overdose.
Take this medication as prescribed by the specialist or physician. Do not take this tablet in larger or smaller quantities than recommended. The therapy should be started at lower doses, and the dose should be gradually increased based on the response. Don’t stop taking this medicine without informing your doctor.
This tablet is not recommended if you have an active liver disease indicated by high levels of Transaminase levels in the body.
This drug is not recommended if you have a known history of allergy to it.
This medicine can cause memory loss, forgetfulness, and confusion. But these adverse effects are reversible once the usage is stopped.
This medication can originate an increase in the blood glucose levels as well as an increase in the Glycated Hemoglobin levels.
Atorva tablet can cause muscle breakdown along with symptoms of severe weakness and tiredness. The risk growths if you are above 60 years of age.
This drug can cause liver and kidney related problems if you consume alcohol very frequently in large quantities.
This tablet can cause modest to critical liver disability. The risk of fatal liver failure is very exorbitant if you an active liver disease.
This medicine can cause a fatal condition where the muscles in the body degenerate and substances are released into the blood which could damage the kidneys as well.
This tablet can cause damaging side effects if you have had a stroke in recent times or are recovering from it.
It is not suggested for use in pregnant ladies unless absolutely necessary. All the risk and benefits should be discussed with the physician or pharmacist before taking this drug.
This medicine is not recommended for use in breastfeeding ladies unless absolutely required. All the risks and benefits should be discussed with the physician or pharmacist before taking this drug.
Cholesterol is a type of fat existing in your blood. Your total cholesterol is made up of LDL and HDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is called “wicked” cholesterol as it can build up in the wall of your blood vessels and slow or obstruct blood flow to your heart, brain, and other organs. This can cause heart diseases and stroke. HDL cholesterol is called “good” cholesterol as it prevents the bad cholesterol from building up in the blood vessels. Triglycerides also are harmful fats found in your blood.
It belongs to a group of tablets known as statins, which are lipid (fat) lowering medication. It is utilized to reduce lipids known as cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood when a low-fat diet and lifestyle changes on their own have betrayed. If you are at an increased risk of heart disease, It can also be utilized to lower such risk even if your cholesterol levels are normal. You should maintain a standard cholesterol-lowering diet during treatment.
It is not a lasix. It is a lipid-lowering agent which belongs to a group of tablets known as statins.
Atorva, simvastatin, and pravastatin belong to the same category of medications with similar action and similar side effects, but their impact may vary upon individual response. Always counsel your specialist or physician regarding its utilize.
It may increase your blood sugar levels. So, it is critical that you observe your blood sugar levels regularly if you are taking it. Also, share with your doctor if you have diabetes mellitus and you are advised to take it as your doctor will monitor you while you are taking this medicine.
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