Diabetes Care

Amaryl 1mg Tablet (Glimepiride)
Packaging : 30 tablets in 1 strip
Manufactured By : Sanofi Ind ...
Our Best Price : $0.29 /Piece
Amaryl 2mg Tablet (Glimepiride)
Packaging : 30 tablets in 1 strip
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Our Best Price : $0.35 /Piece
Amaryl 3mg Tablet (Glimepiride)
Packaging : 30 tablets in 1 strip
Manufactured By : Sanofi Ind ...
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Amaryl M 1mg Tablet (Glimepiride/Metformin)
Packaging : 20 tablet sr in 1 s ...
Manufactured By : Sanofi Ind ...
Our Best Price : $0.37 /Piece
Amaryl M 2mg Tablet (Glimepiride/Metformin)
Packaging : 20 tablet sr in 1 s ...
Manufactured By : Sanofi Ind ...
Our Best Price : $0.57 /Piece
Amaryl M Forte 1mg Tablet (Glimepiride/Metformin)
Packaging : 15 tablet sr in 1 s ...
Manufactured By : Sanofi Ind ...
Our Best Price : $0.79 /Piece
Amaryl M Forte 2mg Tablet (Glimepiride/Metformin)
Packaging : 15 tablet sr in 1 s ...
Manufactured By : Sanofi Ind ...
Our Best Price : $0.94 /Piece
Balila 25mg Tablet (Diazoxide)
Packaging : 10 Capsule in strip
Manufactured By : Jolly Heal ...
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Daonil 5mg Tablet (Glibenclamide)
Packaging : 30 tablets in 1 strip
Manufactured By : Sanofi Ind ...
Our Best Price : $0.28 /Piece
Simply Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus is a disease in which the victim suffers from high blood sugar level. They lose their natural ability to convert sugar and carbohydrates into energy. The main reason for the high blood sugar level is the inability of their body to produce sufficient insulin. Even if their body produces it by the pancreas, their body cells do not react appropriately. Some of the crucial factors which act catalysts in fetching diabetes are obesity, physical inability, poor diet and family history of diabetes. A few prominent symptoms can be noticed in a person who is suffering from Diabetes. They are generally frequent thirst, increased hunger, and repeated urination.
Mainly three types of diabetes usually notice in the people. They are type I, type II and gestational. All of them are discussed below.
Type I Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes is caused due to the inability of the body to produce insulin. This happens due to loss of insulin-producing beta cells of the islets of Langerhans located in the pancreas. Due to this insulin deficiency in the body, the blood sugar level increases rapidly causing a high level of blood sugar. To prevent this, insulin is injected from outside the body, or the person with type 1 diabetes needs to wear an insulin pump. That’s why Type 1 diabetes is also termed insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Type 1 diabetes mellitus can affect both adults and children, but due to the majority of them are children, this type is also termed as Juvenile Diabetes.
This is a type of diabetes which affects mostly young adults or children. Type I diabetes mellitus is an autoimmune disease where your body loses its infections fighting the power and at the end, your body attack to the own body cell. It mainly attacks the beta cell which is responsible for producing insulin in our body. So, it is natural that person suffering from type I diseases will genuinely face a scarcity of insulin. Some obvious causes of diabetes are:
- Cow’s Milk: Cow milk has an unidentified component which fastens the autoimmune reaction in your body. That is why many infants suffer from type- I diabetes.
- Infections caused by viruses and bacteria.
- Chemical toxins produced by foods.
Diabetes Mellitus- Type II
Type II diabetes results from insulin resistance, a situation where the cells fail to use the insulin for burning the blood glucose. Sometimes, there can be a combined reason for insulin resistance with absolute insulin deficiency, which is most common in adults. This diabetes is also termed as adult-onset diabetes mellitus or NIDDM (non-Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus). This is the most similar type of diabetes. Type II diabetes is mostly seen in adult people who have much responsibility in their life. Too much fat in your body can lead to this type of diabetes.
Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) resembles the type 2 diabetes, results from inadequate secretion of insulin and also due to insulin resistance. This type is more common during pregnancy. About 2%-5% of all pregnant women can fall under its prey. Gestational diabetes is entirely curable and improves or cures after delivery. However, particular medication is necessary during pregnancy otherwise there is a high chance of acquiring type 2 diabetes later.
Where the type I and type II diabetes can be seen in many people, Gestational diabetes mellitus is commonly noticed in a pregnant woman. According to statistical analysis, almost 4- 15% of pregnant women suffer from Gestational Diabetes. The main causes of this type of diabetes are mentioned below.
- Many Hormones which are produced by pregnant women has blocking properties that prevent the action of insulin.
- Pregnant women do not have much insulin property in their body.
According to surveys, in the USA, near about 29 million people have diabetes. When such a large number of people suffer from a common disease, you need no more reasons to be careful. It is essential to know about diabetes to avoid it or to get proper medical treatment. Awareness should be at the optimum level with a common disease, like diabetes. So, mainly in this article, we shall focus on discussion on type 2 diabetes vs. type 1.
Effects of both kinds of diabetes could be similar, but the causes are different. Effects are also different in a few aspects. Moreover, both of them have unique symptoms in the offering. Hence, understanding the type-1 and type-2 differences is a critical thing. We must strive for critical analysis to ensure knowing both of these diabetes forms deeply.
Here, in the following section, we shall discuss five significant differences between type-2 and type-1 diabetes. So, here is a comparative analysis of type 2 diabetes vs. type 1 for you:
Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes are not identical, and this is why they have different names. So, the definition of these diabetes forms should be different. Type 1 has been defined as a form of diabetes, where a body organ named pancreas has an important role to play. When pancreas fails producing insulin, sugar count in bloodstream goes up significantly. Enhanced sugar count leads to diabetes.
On the other hand, type two diabetes has been defined as the aftermath of obesity. In this case, receptor cells become inactive to insulin. As a result, bloodstream gets higher sugar level. Type 2 diabetes is a common thing for those, who have obesity problems or who overeat junk foods. Improper dieting can also lead to this physical disorder. Hence, one should be careful enough.
It is believed that diabetes type-1 has more or less common symptoms with type 2 diabetes. However, both of them have some unique symptoms too. These unique symptoms will help you to know a lot of important things. When it comes to Type 1 diabetes symptoms, you will find that frequent urination is a common factor. Apart from that, blurriness of vision, especially after doing hard works is a common sign of type 1 diabetes.
When it comes to symptoms for type 2 diabetes, we also find a lot of common symptoms with type 1 diabetes. However, when it comes to different signs, we notice that tiredness is an important thing. In type 1 diabetes, fatigue also strikes, but not as frequently as type 2 diabetes. Slow wound healing is another symptom of this type of diabetes. Apart from all these, quick weight loss can also be attributed to diabetes type 2 symptoms.
Before understanding symptoms for type 2 diabetes and type 1 diabetes, the difference between victims has to be understood. Difference between victims would tell you about the different type of diabetes. While type-1 diabetes happens to mainly kids or teenagers, type-2 diabetes comes naturally with growing ages. So, diagnosis of the kind of diabetes hugely depends on the age of victims.
Insulin Test
When it becomes difficult to diagnose Type 1 diabetes symptoms, insulin test has been suggested by physicians. Insulin test will let you know exactly from which type of diabetes you are suffering from. In the case of type 1, insulin production gets stopped entirely or drastically. So, a low percentage of insulin in the bloodstream is a common thing for type 1 diabetes.
In the case of type-2, insulin production does not cease. In this case, insulin production has been found normal or close to normal significantly. However, body cells cannot receive the insulin. As a result, bloodstream shows a low percentage of insulin, despite there is no harm in insulin production.
Percentage of Estimated Cases
Type-2 diabetes is common in comparison to type-1 diabetes. Only 5% to 10% of diabetes patients suffer from type—1 diabetes. On the other hand, 90-95% of diabetes patients are diagnosed with type-2 diabetes.
Diabetes is a growing disease all around the world. It can happen to any adults, irrespective of gender. In kids, effects of diabetes have been noted to be lesser, but indeed kids are also vulnerable to this disease. As we all know two types of diabetes are there; and they are type 1 and type 2. Diabetes cannot be cured completely, but it can be controlled. Even after having diabetes, you can still enjoy a happy life. But, in that case, you should be careful about a few things.
The first important thing is recognizing diabetes at the early stage by analyzing diabetes symptoms. Next part is proper medication. Medication should be strategic, and doctor’s advice or suggestions should be followed religiously. Last but not least, maintaining a good diet is essential.
Frequent Need for Urinating
When it comes to the common symptoms of diabetes, going bathroom frequently is considered as the most appropriate symptom for diabetes. Diabetes makes our body lesser efficient, breaking apart the food that we take into sugar. This is why more sugar is found in the bloodstream of diabetes patients. Excessive sugar contents need to be flush out from the body, and thus frequent urinating becomes a common thing.
This is the reason why diabetes is considered as dangerous. It enhances sugar level drastically in our bloodstream. As a result, diabetes patient goes for more urinating. Sugar level can increase if early signs are neglected. So, when you feel that you are going to the bathroom more than ever, you should consult a good doctor. Diabetes could be the reason behind your frequent urinating. Diagnosed in an early stage, diabetes can be controlled with effective medication.
Getting Thirsty Frequently
Getting thirsty is considered as the common aftermath of diabetes. When you need to go for urination frequently, it is obvious that water content in your body will decrease. As a result, your body would crave for more water. Frequent and abnormal thirst show the high possibility of diabetes, especially type -1 diabetes.
Losing Weight
To understand diabetes causes, it is essential to comprehend diabetes symptoms. Recognizing the symptoms is critical so that early diagnosis of diabetes can be pursued. Early diagnosis is essential for effective therapy of diabetes. One of the common signs of diabetes is losing weight all of a sudden. Loss of weight may make you happy, but there are enough reasons to worry too.
Loss of weight can signify that you have diabetes symptoms. This is why if you have lost some weight all of a sudden, you should visit a doctor or a specialized physician. The physicians may ask you to undergo a few tests, and amongst those tests, diabetes test will be common. Sudden loss of weight commonly signifies diabetes though exceptions are also there. So, you can only hope for being an exception.
Increased Hunger Level
Increased hunger level does not show that you have a good appetite – well, at least in a few cases. Hunger rises significantly when you have diabetes. This is why constant hunger is recognized as an early symptom of diabetes. So, before knowing tips for curing diabetes, you need to understand the causes. To understand the causes of diabetes, analyzing various symptoms is essential.
Enhanced Tiredness
Getting stressed out or tired easily is also a symptom of diabetes. If this is your case, then you would surely require tips for curing diabetes. Why body gets tired when you have diabetes? The simple reason is that nutrients get to break out into sugar, which has been flushed out through urinating. So, craving for food increases, as minor nutrients reach to our body cells. So, getting tired is a sure indication of diabetes.
Mood Swing
The study says that men face lesser mood swing than women. However, when it comes to diabetes symptoms in men, mood swing is considered as one of the common symptoms. Due to diabetes, hormonal changes occur in the body, and that is the primary cause behind abrupt mood swing among men and women.
Diabetes is a physical condition, which leads to a high percentage of sugar in the bloodstream. It can fetch many physical complications, including kidney problems, heart-related issues, etc. Diabetes patients cannot undergo a critical operation. There is a risk of death due to excessive blood loss in case of such patients meet accidents. Due to enhanced sugar level, blood clotting does not happen naturally. With even a small cut mark, significant blood loss can occur for diabetes patients.