How to Treat Hyperprolactinemia

How to Treat Hyperprolactinemia

What is Prolactin ?

Prolactin is a hormone produced by your pituitary gland which sits at the base of the mind. Prolactin makes breasts to grow and develop and causes milk be made after a baby is born. Regularly, the two people have modest quantities of prolactin in their blood. Prolactin levels are constrained by different hormones called prolactin inhibiting factors (PIFs, for example, dopamine. During pregnancy, prolactin levels go up. After the infant is conceived, there is an abrupt drop in estrogen and progesterone. High prolactin levels trigger the body to make milk for breastfeeding. In ladies who aren’t pregnant, prolactin directs the menstrual cycle (periods). In men, prolactin influences sperm generation.

What is hyperprolactinemia ?

Hyperprolactinemia is a condition of an excess of prolactin in the blood of women who are not pregnant and in men. Hyperprolactinemia is generally common in ladies. About 33% of ladies in their childbearing years with irregular periods but normal ovaries have hyperprolactinemia. when this occurs, a lady may have difficulty getting pregnant or her breasts may begin producing milk outside of pregnancy (galactorrhea). 90% of ladies with galactorrhea also have hyperprolactinemia. High prolactin levels interfere with the typical production of different hormones, for example, estrogen and progesterone. This can change or stop ovulation (the arrival of an egg from the ovary). It can also prompt irregular or missed periods. Some ladies have high prolactin levels with no symptoms.

In men, high prolactin levels can cause galactorrhea, impotence (inability to have an erection during sex), reduced desire for sex, and infertility. A man with untreated hyperprolactinemia may make less sperm or no sperm by any means.

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What are common causes of hyperprolactinemia ?

Some common causes are:

  • Pituitary tumors (prolactinomas)
  • Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)
  • Medicines are given for depression, psychosis, and high blood pressure
  • Herbs, including fenugreek, fennel seeds, and red clover
  • Irritation of the chest wall (from surgical scars, shingles, or even a too-tight bra)
  • Stress or exercise (usually excessive or extreme)
  • Certain foods
  • Nipple stimulation

No reason is found in about a third of all cases of hyperprolactinemia.

How is hyperprolactinemia tested?

Blood tests can measure levels of prolactin. Levels are in some cases higher if you have eaten as of late or are under pressure. The test might be done again after you’ve fasted and are loose. Your specialist may also perform a physical test to locate any conspicuous causes or any breast release.

If levels are still high after the second check, your specialist may order a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) output of the brain to check for a tumor of the pituitary gland.

How is hyperprolactinemia treated ?

The treatment depends on the reason. If no reason is found or you have a tumor of the pituitary gland, the standard treatment is medication. Hypothyroidism is treated with thyroid replacement drug, which ought to also make prolactin levels come back to normal. If your regular medication is the cause behind your high prolactin levels, your specialist will work with you to find an alternative medicine or add one to help your prolactin levels go down.

Medications Used to Treat Hyperprolactinemia

The most normally used medicines are cabergoline (Generic Dostinex)and bromocriptine. Your specialist will begin you on a low dose of one of these meds and slowly build the dose until your prolactin levels return to normal. Treatment proceeds until your side effects reduce or you get pregnant (if that is your objective). Typically, your specialist will stop treatment once you are pregnant.

Cabergoline is taken two times per week and has fewer side effects than bromocriptine. For the most part, cabergoline drops prolactin levels to normal quicker than bromocriptine does. Cabergoline can cause heart valve issues when taken in high doses, but these dosages are not used in ladies who are trying to get pregnant.


If a tumor is big, surgery might be required if the medication doesn’t improve side effects. An MRI will be done now and then to beware of the size of the tumor.

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